Wednesday, November 28, 2012

In Season...

An apple a day...

What is In Season?

In Season is a 2-4 player game aimed at teaching players all about the growing patterns of fruits and vegetables in Ontario. The game is educational and as such, is more straight-forward and less action-packed than most games but it most certainly a quick and easy way to learn all about the seasonal patterns of fruits and vegetables in Ontario.

The gameplay is simple and engaging, encouraging inter-player activity and discussion about the various fruits and vegetables found on the many cards provided with the game. Quite simple to pick up and play, ‘In Season’ is a prototype which finds the joy in learning.


Game Time

A typical game of ‘In Season’ can take anywhere from 15 minutes to half an hour or even longer.


The game comes with 50 cards each of which present the player with a vegetable and the season it is known to grow/flourish in. Since ‘In Season’ is made to be a playing card game, this is all you will need to play…of course don’t forget to bring your friends along!


The deck of cards must be shuffled thoroughly and placed in a pile face down on the table.


·        Each player begins with 4 cards.
·        A random player is chosen to go first.
·        Steps in a turn:
o   The player must draw a card from the deck.

o   Now, the player must check to see if he/she has a complete set (5 cards from the same month).

o   If the player has a set, they must place this down in front of them for everyone to see. The set is considered complete.

o   Once a set is complete the player must pick up another 4 cards and pass play to the next player on their left.

o   If the player has not achieved a full set after drawing a card on his/her turn, he/she must pick a random card from another player's deck.

o   The player must now swap this card for another in their hand, giving the swapped out card to the other player.

o   Once again, if a set is made, it is the responsibility of the player to play that set and draw an additional 4 cards from the deck once more.

o   If no set is made, play passes on to the next player on the left.

Game Overview

A typical run-through of ‘In Season’ sees players swapping cards and creating sets out of pure luck. Admittedly, there isn’t much strategy involved in the gameplay except for that involved in the decision to give up a certain card to another player. The goal of the game is to collect as many different sets of fruits and vegetables as possible, thus making the game a growing-cycle based collection game.

Each month of the year has a specific group of fruits and vegetables which make up a set. Fruits and vegetables may even belong to more than one set as certain plants grow through multiple time periods during the year. This is meant to mirror the seasonal growth patterns of fruits and vegetables in Ontario.

A month’s set is considered complete when a player holds the necessary fruits and vegetables for that month. This means that if a player collects 5 fruits and vegetables (including repeats) of a certain month, they have, in essence, gained a set which adds to their successful completion of the game. The player with the most sets by the end of the game, then, wins.

Any fruits and vegetables that may be part of a month’s set correspond to the seasonal growing patterns of that fruit or vegetable.

Creative Process

When mulling through ideas for a game that teaches people about seasonal growth patterns in Ontario, none of us could imagine a fun game to be made out of such a boring topic. No university student really cares about when fruits and vegetables grow throughout the year. As long as they appear in supermarkets, their growth patterns are of least concern. So how then were we to take a topic that appeals to a different demographic and adapt it into a game to appeal to people of all ages?

Well, what’s a game that is simple enough to pick up and play by any one and can be explained in less than 2 minutes? We went with GO-FISH for that answer and based our gameplay mechanics primarily around the core concepts of this simple game that is well known all over the world and played by men and women of all ages. We thoroughly researched which fruits and vegetables grew around which time of year and made sure that we represented their growth patterns accurately within our game.

Since the idea of the game was to teach people about fruits and vegetables within Ontario and when they grow, we dumbed down our game and stripped it to its bare essentials to make it as simple and entertaining as possible. We came up with a clever name and created some fun cards to peak players’ interests.

We had played around with the idea of a fruit and vegetable based game of Solitaire where each fruit and vegetable would be placed in its own column based on the month in which it grows. We decided to avoid this idea due to the possible complexity and varying card types.


The purpose of our game was to teach people about the seasonal patterns of fruits and vegetables in Ontario in an engaging manner. Though, I admit, that our game might not be as entertaining, it does what it sets out to do and is simple enough to be marketed to a wider demographic.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Chaiyya Chaiyya Dance Game...

What is Dance Dance Simon?

Dance Dance Simon is an social tool soon to be utilized in houses all over the world as a means of breaking the proverbial ice. It is a dance game based off of the popular Bollywood dance number “Chaiyya Chaiyya” from the movie Dil Se. The game’s rules are simple and it is quite adaptable should players feel the need to change the theme of the game or alter the rules entirely. There are a few main concepts the game is based on, primarily follow the leader. The game is fun and exciting and is a great way of getting to know people better at a party or at any kind of social gathering where strangers might need to introduce themselves to the rest of the crowd.

The game operates similarly to the game “Simon” where a computer plays a pattern based on four buttons (Red, blue, green, yellow).  It is the player’s job to return that same pattern. Successfully repeating the computer’s pattern adds one button to the list of patterns, scaling up the difficulty.  It is a single player memory game.

Our game, on the other hand, twists this idea to turn it into a multiplayer dancing game! 

Game Time

Anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour or more…time flies right on by when you’re chaiyya chaiyya-ing.


Playing the game in its original version would require the player having a copy of the program which simulates the behavior of the leader in the game.

Set Up

All players stand facing the leader.

The “Leader” may be: a person, a video, a drawing, or any other representation of dance moves.

We have provided a program that randomizes dance moves based on clips from the actual Chaiyya Chaiyya dance scene.


The leader starts by demonstrating one dance move.
All players must repeat the same move. 
If any player fails to do so, they are out

The leader repeats the first dance move, then adds a new one
All players must repeat this dance move sequence
Any player who fails to repeat the move is out

The leader repeats the previous dance sequence, and adds a new move
All players must repeat this dance sequence
Any player who fails to repeat the move is out

The game continues until there is one person left. This person is declared the winner

Game Overview

A typical runthrough of Dance Dance Simon results in a lot of people being embarrassed. Whether the moves are too complex or hard to remember, there’s something to get everyone out of their shell. The game works best when played with good friends and the kind of people who don’t mind getting out of their comfort zone to have a little fun. Admittedly, Dance Dance Simon would make a great drinking game for those in the mood to dance during a good buzz. The creativity of the game comes from the unique dance sequences that aren’t typically found in Hollywood or choreographed in the Western World. The enthusiasm of the dancers in the videos and the over-the-top acting is the reason the game can become quite comical, quite quickly.

People who enjoy the colourful personalities found in typical Bollywood movies will really enjoy this game and find it hard to stop laughing amongst all the dancing. The game works well when played with groups of 2 – 8 people and may be adapted to your own theme/mood. The basic concept of the game remains the same while players can model their own Dance Dance Simon for every occasion!

Creative Process

The idea first came to us when thinking about how to create a cool dancing game that people would enjoy while sticking to the theme of over-the-top Bollywood acting. Well, the truth hit us like a tonne of bricks as we realized that the only way to make an enjoyable Bollywood game would be to make it as uncool as possible. What kind of games tend to be uncool but fun to play at the same time? Icebreakers! Of course! So we modelled our game behind the game that’s been breaking ice for decades.

We hadn’t initially thought about programming the game, instead we had entertained the idea of creating a board on the floor where 2 people go up against each other to see who can most accurately imitate the entire dance sequence. We looked at the amount of work on our plate towards this time of the year and ultimately decided to code the entire thing. With the amount of exposure to programming we weren’t worried about making the game and had it done in the span of an hour or so. The game was easy to implement once we had the solid foundation to build up on. We simply delegated the responsibilities for every aspect and came together to make a rather embarrassing dancing icebreaker with something for the whole family.


With a simple idea and a fun way to implement it, I feel we were quite successful in creating a dance game based on the hit Bollywood sequence Chaiyya Chaiyya. Our game truly shines in bringing out the funniest from people as it manages to utilize the social side of games prominently in exploring the interaction between social beings when placed in awkward situations.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Storytelling in games...

Interview with a character


What is your name? Gender? Race? Religion? Age?

Hey, first of all! It’s nice to meet you. I’m Archer, 19-years-old and a Caucasian male. I don’t really follow a religion but I like to think that there’s got to be someone up there figuring things out for me. There’s no way I would’ve made it out of the situations I’ve been in if there wasn’t (chuckles).

Where were you born? What about your parents? Where are they, and are they alive? When you were growing up, did you struggle, and if so, in what way?

Woah! That’s a lot of questions at the same time. Let me see if I can answer all of them in order. I was born on the coast of Vancouver, British Columbia, the son of Joseph and Carrie Turnbolt. I’ve had a pretty great childhood, well both me and my older sister, Isabelle. Our parents have always been more than parents, they’ve been my friends and I’ve always confided in them for as long as I can remember. Growing up in Vancouver was easy living and my parents have always tried to make our lives easier than theirs ever were. At the same time, my mum and dad have always encouraged me to be my own man and make a name for myself. So, to answer your question, I can’t remember a time when we’ve had to struggle growing up. Probably because my parents were so great at working through their difficulties without letting it show.

What year is it now?

Ummm…I believe today is the 20th of March, 2012, if that’s what you were asking.

How would someone stereotype you at a glance?

People would probably think I’m a typical teenager, unsure about life and what I want out of it; just another kid trying to grow up and discover life. It couldn’t be further from the truth.

I’m pretty certain about where I want to go and who I want to be in life. My dad’s a detective; I don’t think I mentioned that. When I was young I never wanted to be like him – unreal hours and little time for his family. As I grew older, I learned to accept his lifestyle and I also realized that the sacrifices he made were ultimately for us. I began to further understand his work and it intrigued me. I grew to admire my father as I got older and once I became old enough to understand what his job encompassed, I was hooked. I was fascinated with what he did on a daily basis and quiz him non-stop trying to learn more and more about his job until I finally decided that I would go to university to become a police officer, working my way up to the ranks of a detective. My parents want me to pursue my dream without their help, which is proving to be harder than I had initially anticipated. So, I had to get a job as a bike messenger and you don’t hear me complaining. I love it! I get to travel through the city delivering packages, and the exercise isn’t bad either. It’s a great job and it’s also getting me closer to my goal. Wow, I got way off track there, sorry about that, I get really carried away when talking about my goals in life.

Do you have a romantic partner? If so, whom?

Hahaha! Well that’s pretty direct, don’t you think? I do have a major crush on Laura, the girl next door who’s been my neighbour for sixteen years. Unfortunately, I still haven’t mustered up enough courage to ask her out. I do realize that it can’t be anything serious if I plan on pursuing a career in criminal justice. But, I mean, I’m entitled to have a little fun while I’m young, right?

Who is your best friend and what is he/she/it like? How would your friend describe you?

Well, you could ask him to describe me for yourself, but he’s locked outside. Weird, huh? Let me explain. Ever since I’ve been old enough to walk, I’ve been riding. Schwinn was a gift from my sister on my 15th birthday. Ever since he’s been my faithful companion getting me out of some tight situations, fast. Over the years I’ve made a few modifications here and there but Schwinn’s been the same old loyal friend for the past 4 years. He gets me to where I need to be, when I need to be there. He’s reliable, comfortable and durable and I wouldn’t rather have any other bike in the world.

I’m sure he’d have a whole lot of mean things to say about the times I ride him through dirt roads and in rain, as well as those times I leave mud caked on his wheels for weeks on end. But I know he loves it when I wash him down and scrub him real good, making the tough trips worth it.

What is your economic situation? What have you done for work?

Well, like I explained briefly earlier, I’m trying to make enough money to pay my way through university and use my degree in criminal justice to make detective one day.

My dad is good friends with Laurence Jones, the owner of Vancouver Parcel Service and managed to get me a job delivering packages all over the city. The hours vary quite a bit but I do quite enjoy what I do, especially because I get to travel all over the city learning new routes and paths just to get a package from point A to point B. My boss is a great guy and never fails to challenge me because he knows I’m capable of a whole lot more.

Would you steal? How do you feel about lying? Can you be trusted by your friends? Do you have any other vices?

Wow, you’re really uncovering the deep dark secrets, huh? When I was a kid, I once borrowed money from my sister’s dresser, figuring since I didn’t earn money it would be alright to do so. I wasted it all on Bubble Gum and Candy and got busted that evening. Having to face the disappointment in my parents’ eyes was probably the most disheartening feeling in the world. I was hoping with all my heart that the floor would open up and swallow me whole. Sufficed to say, I’ve never even entertained the idea of stealing ever since.

Lying, on the other hand, well, I lie all the time. There are two types of people in the world, those that lie and those who don’t admit it. A little white lie here and there can often prevent you hurting someone’s feelings. Sometimes I do this funny thing where I don’t lie but I don’t exactly reveal all the information I have. I alter the phrasing of a statement to make sure I tell the person what they want to hear without giving them the whole story, you know? It’s got me out of a lot of trouble throughout my life.

I like to think I’m a pretty morale guy. I mean, I have a certain set of values and a code that conducts the way I live my life. I mean without that kind of moral structure, I could fall to the wayside. My parents taught me a lot when it comes to trust and being a reliable friend. My closest friends have been with me since kindergarten and I must be doing something right for them to want to stick around for so long. When I receive responsibility, I take care to make sure I allow the person to place their trust in my abilities.

Hmmm…vices? Well, I bite my nails when I’m nervous and I tend to push my limits when it comes to physical strain and I take a lot of risks because I’d rather regret what I’ve done than what I haven’t.

What makes you happy? What makes you sad?

A few things make me happy. When things go exactly according to plan or when I work really hard to an ultimatum that pays off, I get really happy and my faith in hard work is restored. I find it really tough to always work hard and that often makes me hate my situation and blame the world for my problems. But I always get back to working my butt off and gaining a lot of knowledge by doing so. There’s another thing! Whenever I learn a lesson after working really hard, or I learn something new by experimenting with an unfamiliar idea, I feel really proud of myself for taking the time to learn.

It makes me sad to think that one day I’m going to be moving out of my home and away from my parents and sister. I’m excited at the prospect of getting myself out there and travelling the world but I can’t bare to think about leaving my family and friends behind but I do realize that moving on is a natural part of life.

What is the one secret that no one must know about you?

Wow, well, if it’s a secret what makes you think I’ll tell you? Better yet, how would you know I’m not lying? Maybe I’ll tell you something most people don’t know about me.

I’m colorblind. Yea, surprise, surprise! I see the world in monotone. In fact, it makes me quite sad sometimes that I can’t appreciate the world on the same scale as most people. At the same time, however, my other senses are significantly stronger, especially my sense of smell.

Are you afraid to die?

Now THAT is an interesting question. Well, I’ve never really thought about it, but I suppose that I’m a firm believer in the idea that people die when it is their time to die. I say that because I haven’t really experienced the emotions associated with the death of someone close to you, but I hope that whenever it’s my time to go that I’ll go peacefully in my sleep or really fast with a fraction of pain. Weird, but that’s as far as I’ve thought about death. I think every person thinks about how they’d want to die at some point in their life, usually when writing their will I’m sure.

Do you have any phobias?

I have a bit of a fear of heights but it isn’t as bad as most people’s. I used to be afraid of the dark when I was younger, but I got over that when I was old enough to go camping with friends and family. I’m afraid of drowning because I can’t swim too well and don’t know how to tread water. I’m afraid of roller coasters, but I ride them anyways because of the rush I feel whenever I’m on them. I’m also afraid of injections which is why I try to remain healthy so I don’t have to visit the doctor and risk having to take a shot.

Are you quick tempered or patient?

I’m quick tempered whenever the topic lands on an idea I’m passionate about, let alone something I’m fiercely passionate about, but most of the time I’m quite patient with people. The only thing I’m not very patient with is people who stuff their beliefs down throats. I don’t agree with discrimination and prejudice judgement of minorities. My parents have always taught me to be inclusive of everybody and I’ve always believed in this strongly.